God is your Refuge
Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
Psalms 62:8, NIV
When your world is crashing down, always remember this. God is your refuge. You can run to Him. Cry out and pour your heart unto Him. He will be there to listen and rescue you. Call upon His name, and He will help you. Ask, and it will be given unto you. Trust Him even in moments when you are in pain. Know that you will find rest and comfort in His arms. Mere humans can’t give you the kind of love that never fails. They may give you comfort and encouragement, but nothing can compare to the peace that God can give you. So have faith in Him and let Him be the source of your strength.
Do not expect other people to give you the kind of assurance that only God can give. Look unto Him, and you will never be dismayed. Fix your eyes on His promises, and you will receive His everlasting hope. His grace will empower you to move forward. Trust that God will continue to cover you by His great love. Believe in His goodness, and you will overcome everything.
Trust God. Yes, this is not an easy thing to do, especially when you are in the middle of the wilderness, but choose to remember His goodness. Believe with all your heart that God is faithful and He will continue to do great things in your life. Choose Him over your fears. Listen to His voice for He knows what’s best for you. Do not doubt in His promises. You may think that God has already forgotten you because you can’t see His hands moving. But He is doing something in the spiritual realm. Just wait and be patient. Activate your faith and let His love be greater than the fears you feel inside. God is true to His words, and He will never change. He will fulfill everything that He said. He will never destroy your soul. In fact, He will make it whole.
Pour out everything to Him. Surrender the negative things in your heart and know that God will listen. Express what you truly feel and let Him carry your burdens. Treat Him as your loving Father and never forget that He deeply cares for you. Open your heart and be vulnerable in His presence. He will not break you into pieces.
Sometimes, He will allow you to go through pain, but He will use it to bless your soul. Just don’t keep everything inside. Give it all to God and let Him perform miracles in your life. Acknowledge His power, and you will find the assurance that you need. He will protect and guide you. So allow Him to purify your heart and strengthen your soul. Give your all to Him, and everything will be worth it. All your efforts will never be wasted in His presence.
Treat God as your strong foundation. You can’t live this life on your own. Whether you like it or not, there will be days when you feel like giving up. And in those moments, you need to rely on God. Treat Him as the source of your courage, and you will overcome everything. Let your faith in Him be your strongest weapon against the forces of the enemy. Stay close to His arms and depend on Him. Run to your Father, and He will be there to protect and sustain you. Let His promises give you the peace and comfort that you need.

One Comment
Honestly, I need this message so much. Thank You very much youarepursued.com and I will keep it in my Heart. As I struggle, I am having a hard time coping and I keep relying on myself but I always fail and it damages my mental health. I need to trust in Almighty God, but I still have a difficult time as my world is crushing down. I am still sufferring and make many mistakes. Trust God, it may sound easy, but not, for I am in the middle of the wilderness. I am always challenged to the point it affects my faith. As my world is crushing down, only God is my last hope. And I need to remember to call His name, and He will help me when I ask, and it will be given to me. It is not easy but I need to open myself to let Him be the source of my strength. I need to trust and believe that God is true to his words, and He will never change and will fulfill everything that He said and make me whole. I need to treat Him as my loving Father for He deeply cares about me so I can give all to Him and He will perform miracles in my life through his power. God will be my strong foundation as I can not live this life on my own for there are days when I feel like giving up and only Him can sustain me, protect me, and fulfill His promises in my Heart in Jesus Christ name, AMEN💙💙💙.