
God Loves You Without Any Condition

God is not asking you to change first so that He can love you. He already accepted you even before you ask for forgiveness. You don’t have to strive so hard just to gain His approval. Because Jesus already did everything so that you and I will be made pure in the eyes of God. That’s how wonderful and amazing His love is. He will continue to hold your hands even in moments when you tend to neglect Him. His presence will always be there, even if you choose to follow your own desires. He will wait until you are ready to accept Him inside your heart. The sacrifices that you made for Him or the mistakes you made can never change the fact that you are His beloved.

You don’t have to do anything just to purify yourself. You can’t simply do it on your own. You need Jesus to reign inside your heart, and His blood will take away all the impurities inside. We are made righteousness because of what Jesus did on the cross. That alone is more than enough for you to realize that His love is greater than what happened in your past. It’s deeper than the pain in your heart. He loves you without any condition. You are His child, and He deeply cares for you. So stop hiding in the darkness. Come out and let your Loving Father embrace you.

Return to God, and He will never ask you to prove yourself. You don’t have to make sacrifices. Because His Son, Jesus Christ, already did everything for you. Just stay in His presence and know that you are deeply loved. If you feel so tired and hopeless, please keep in mind that you can always run to the arms of your Father. He will heal your heart and make you whole. He will fill the emptiness inside. Do not look at your sins because God will never condemn you. He accepts you for who you are.

This world will sometimes require you to give something in return. But God just wants you to open your heart and let Him come in. His love will compel you to love Him back and to serve others. He will no longer strive for things that will break your heart in the end. You will find fulfillment in His arms, and your life will never be the same. The love of God can change your life. And it’s powerful than all the negative things that you feel inside.