
God Planned Everything Ahead

Do not worry because God planned the road that you will take. Trust Him, and you will be safe. He determined what lies ahead, so listen to His voice, and He will be there to guide you. Rest in the truth that God’s desires are for your own good. He may not be able to explain to you the details. But believe with all your heart that it’s going to be a very memorable adventure. You will go through a difficult path and face life-changing lessons. It’s not easy, but trust that you will make it because God is with you.

Surrender to Him all your fears. And share with Him the things that are bothering you. Your life is already written in His book. He orchestrated a perfect journey for you. So walk with Him and do not follow your own will. Let His instructions guide you. If He wants you to just believe in Him, then do it because He knows what you truly need. Submit to Him all your plans, and everything will make sense.

You are always safe. You may go through challenges but believe with all your heart that God will hold your hands. He will not give you something that will destroy your soul in the end. His plans for you are better than what you have in mind. So do not be bothered by the uncertainties that you face. Instead, look at God and remind yourself of His great love. He will never fail you. He won’t put you to harm. He will continue to fulfill your heart’s desires, and He will be there to strengthen you.

Stay connected to His heart and have faith. Do not be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, for God will always be there to pick you up when you fall down. The future may appear scary to you, but always remember that He is with you. He has already prepared what you need. Keep moving, and let His light be the source of your strength.

Enjoy the journey. You will miss the adventure if you keep on worrying about what might happen next. Do not listen to the voice of the enemy. Seize the blessings that God gave you and make the most of what you have. Treasure the people that God allowed you to meet. Cherish your precious memories with Him and live in the present. What lies ahead may be great and amazing, but you will fail to appreciate His plans if you keep on living in the past or in the future.

Look at the resources around you and treasure them. Be grateful for the season that you are in, it may be heartbreaking, but it will lead you to a brighter tomorrow. Focus on the lessons that God wants you to learn, and let His joy give you enough strength. Receive His peace, and you will live your life with so much hope within.

Be patient. Most of the time, God’s plans will not happen instantly. It takes a long process and sometimes a challenging journey. So when you can’t understand what’s going on, then just remind yourself of God’s promises. Hold on to what He said and claim the good things that He prepared. Imagine that you already have them. Do not rush His schedule because you never really know the important things that He is changing deep inside you. Wait until He moves and keep doing the right thing. Open your heart so that you will receive His love. He will give you the assurance that you need. Just depend on His wisdom and not on your own understanding.


  • Hanton

    Thank You very much for this lovely message of how God planned everything ahead. His plans are better than what I have in mind and He will continue to fulfill my heart’s desires. It is always scary to step out if my comfort zone to honest, it is like my world falling apart as my future looks very scary, but I must remeber that God will pick me up when I fall down and He already prepared what I need. Worrying is always part of me as I always think about my future and about what will happen next. I must try to be grateful for the season that I am in, even though it is super heartbreaking, but it might lead me to a brighter tomorrow. Whenever I can’t understand what’s going on, then I just remind myself of God’s promises. I must not rush His schedule because I will never really know the important things that He is changing deep inside me and I must depend on His wisdom and not on my own understanding. It is hard to be honest, but I believe He will be there to strengthen me, guide me and help me, I hope and I pray, in Jesus Christ name, AMEN💙💙💙.