God Sees you as Who you are
You don’t have to be perfect before God can be a part of your life. You don’t have to be flawless, clean, and neat before He shows you His miracles and favor. Even before you found Him, He already found you. And even before your intentions set your actions, God is already moving around you. He has been and will always surround you with His grace and eternal love, for He sees you as His beloved. God is good. That is why there is no need for you to prove your worth just to get His attention, but you just have to welcome Him in every midst of your situation. He sees you as who you are within. He sees the good and bad things. He sees what caused you to be who and what you are now, and He understands everything.
He has helped you all this time. All that you have is because of His love. Remember that we are brought into this world through His love. You are not meant to carry all titles, treasures, and fortune just to prove that life has been good to you. But you have to accept that love and give it away to those who need it. You are not defined by what you have acquired. Your worth rests in him, who created you. It rests with the one who showed you your life, not the things in this world. God sees what you can do, and He planted things within you. So, let His blessings flourish. Nurture the knowledge and wisdom that you have and discover more things that God will do in your life. Walk in His ways and be permanently bound by His love.
God celebrates you in your victories. He will not turn back on you because of your sins, but He will show you why you should not dwell on them. Remember that He loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to dwell on things that will only break you in the end. God sees the good things in you, and He wants you to focus on those blessings rather than those that you don’t have. So do not be envious of what others can do because you are also meant to do things in this life. The validity of your worth does not rely on what others can say but on how God sees you.
Continue to do things that God wants you to do. He sees your potential, so let His favor flow into your life. Keep things that will make you grow. Do not decline the things that God wants you to take. Give yourself a chance to learn. Let yourself grow in risks and mistakes. Do not label your worth on what others have negatively said about you but always be patient with your lapses and flaws. Let Him teach you how to accept those things about you that this world cannot understand. Do not just aim to be known by many but let God’s favor in your life resound to those who see it. Let your life be a testimony that despite everything in your life, both good and bad, good things still happen because God is simply good. Let your life be a testimony that you do not need to be great to be accepted. Still, acceptance starts within oneself as we acknowledge that we need God.