
God Understands you even When you don’t feel Good

Sometimes, we have bad days. We have days and seasons in our lives that don’t make us comfortable moving around and doing our usual things. We feel down and too overwhelmed with the things that are beyond our control. We overthink things and have countless what-ifs in our minds. We pray and worry at the same time.

Our mood betrays us, and our emotions become so heavy to be lifted. Although most of us don’t want to welcome it, we cannot avoid the fact that it’s normal. We would say those bad days are destined for us when it is just a product of our choices. Yet, one good thing is that, even though we make a hundred mistakes that lead to our sadness, God never left us even a second of it. 

How we respond to our situations, especially the difficult ones, reflects what we have inside. We react to it because of the things we’ve been through in the past. Our past isn’t just a passing thing, for there lie the most profound reasons for how we are doing in our present. It is okay to feel not okay, but we also need to understand why we think in such a way. Because if the pain does not tend right, it will grow bigger and accumulate in the future.

We would sometimes not feel good because a particular situation worries us or maybe because they are already familiar with us. We might have experiences in the past that are similar to what we have in the present. That is why we must conquer our most profound battle and accept it. We cannot move on if we don’t accept it. Let us confess everything to God so that we can handle it. Let us ready our hearts for the healing process God will let us undergo.

God understands our deepest emotions. He knows what help we need and how healing could happen. He will help us conquer our battles. That is why we need to read His word always. We must be honest that we need help, and He will always be there for us. He will never hinder healing from taking over as long as we are ready to involve Him in the process. We also need to accept the fact that healing could not happen if we would just go through it alone. We need help, and we need to accept that fact. It is okay to ask for it. We might get rejected by people, but there will always be those people that He will send for us. If we want to get healed, let us confess everything to Him.

We can be the most transparent and vulnerable people in front of Him. God will listen to everything that we will tell Him. He will understand everything and comfort us just as our heart needs it. But we should not only tell Him but also listen to what He’s going to say. So let us open our hearts to be teachable in His ways. Plant His words in our hearts and obey them at all costs. As we walk with Him, it will not always be comfortable, but it will be very promising. No matter how challenging and complex the journey may be, He will always be with us.