
Have Faith in God’s Plans and Promises

When you go through so many trials in life, there’s this one important thing that you need to do. You must believe with all your heart, mind, and soul that God has great and wonderful plans for you. His promises are true. You may not always feel it because you went through so much pain and heartache, but sometimes, you don’t have to feel His presence. You need to know that He is there despite all your questions and doubts. Faith is about believing in God regardless of your situation and the condition of your heart. It’s about standing in His promises even when you are shaking and scared. When you choose Him, you will slowly realize what it means to live in His Kingdom.

The enemy will use the negative things in your life as one of his baits to tempt you to stop believing in God’s plans. He will put lies in your head telling you to give up and just focus on your problems. The worries and questions will start to flood. Suddenly, you will find yourself trapped in his lies. This is the reason why you need to fight. The best way to do it is to use the shield of faith. It grows when you hear the word of God. Study the scripture and familiarize yourself with His plans and principles. Abide in His instruction because that’s how you will be able to conquer the negative voices in your head. Put His promises in your heart, and you will receive the strength that you need.

Jesus wants to give you an abundant life. He desires to lead you to the future that He prepared. But it takes humility and an obedient heart to get there. He gave you the right to make choices. And in fact, one of the best opportunities to grow in your faith is when you experience trials and storms. You will only learn to depend on God when you go through situations that will push you to let go of the things you can’t control. When you consciously try to abide in His will despite what you feel, your faith starts to flourish.

Choose faith over fear. This may be a challenging thing to do because it requires so much strength. But keep in mind that faith is a gift from God. It’s part of His unfailing grace. If you find it hard to believe in Him because of your past and what you went through, then pray that God will give you the faith to stay in His arms. Ask for His help, and He will send the right people who will demonstrate what it truly means to have faith in Him. There is still hope, but you can only receive that hope when you have faith within.

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