God wants you to be happy
God wants you
To be truly happy
This is the reason why
Jesus died on the cross
He doesn’t want you
To experience eternal condemnation
Instead, He wants you
To share Heaven with Him
God delights
Seeing you smile
He wants your heart
He wants to restore your life
But sometimes,
We fail to appreciate His will
Because we think that
God doesn’t care for us
But the truth is
God loves you so much
If you will stay in His presence
You will experience the joy
He will take you on adventures
He will teach you the ways
How to celebrate and rejoice
How to be grateful and humble
Following Him may take pain
It may take sacrifices
But in His house,
There’s always a feast
So come to God
He will fill you with love
He will turn mourning into dancing
He will teach you to celebrate your life