God Welcomes you and your Thoughts, so do not be Afraid to tell Him Everything
We sometimes take our time crafting the words we want to tell God. Our impression of prayer is that it needs to be precise, reasonable, intentional, and full of praise. It isn’t wrong. But there is more to prayer than that. Prayer is our one way of communicating with God. It is a perfect time to tell Him everything our thoughts could land unto. Whatever that is in our mind, we can tell everything to Him. That is why there is always a reason why we need to talk to Him every day. Let us remember that God is not counting our faults, but He wants to do various miracles in our lives. So let us not wait for perfect words because He alone is already perfect.
When we tell Him everything, God will welcome our thoughts and teach us how to handle them. He will give us His promises to assure us that our thoughts and the past can never define us. He will remind us with His word in every circumstance we are in. Remember that we worship and believe in a perfect God, everything in our lives will fall into its destined place. It may not seem like something is happening right now, but let us believe that most of the time, we would not notice and comprehend how God moves. One thing is for sure, God is working behind the scenes.
Do not wait for tough things to happen before you seek Him. Let Him be involved in everything. Seek His word and wisdom every morning before you start your day. Welcome His presence even in the simplest things you do, such as walking or getting ready for school or work. Have Him as your constant and talk to Him all your honest thoughts. Then listen to Him as He goes with you. Hear His word and declare His goodness in your life. Never be ashamed of who and what you are because He sees you differently than how you see yourself. He knows what you deserve. He knows what kind of help you need and the things that you still need to learn.
Open your heart for His love. No matter what situation you have right now. Maybe you are having a good time and a rough time. Invite Him always. Praying does not only happen within your room when you are alone. You can actually communicate with Him even if you are in your car going somewhere or you are occupied with work. Remember that His presence is not limited to any place and situation. He is everywhere. He can show you incredible things that will surprise you. He has planned many things for you, so continue to walk with Him as He leads you to the right path.
Prayer is very powerful. It is not just words but a declaration. When you pray, you have more intimate relationship with your Creator. Always have that time with Him. Involve Him and talk to Him always. Your prayers are never wasted. He is listening. God understands the desires of your heart. He knows when and how to answer your prayers. So, learn to be patient and wait on His time.