
God will Give You Opportunities Even in the Most Challenging Moments

God will use different moments in your life to mold you and make you a better version of yourself. He will use any situation to help you bring out the best in yourself. Sometimes you will see conditions in your light. The challenges you face may lead you to become vulnerable in the presence of pain and problems. But during that season, your weakness becomes more visible to you. You will feel helpless and even clueless about what to do. The future is unpredictable, and you can lose your sense of direction. You will feel tired just by the thoughts that run through your head. However, when you see pain, God can see it as gain. A moment fix your attention and be closer to Him.

A lot of people have been trying so hard to get a better understanding of their lives. Sometimes, they look for ways to handle it quickly so it can be as painless as possible. Some have tried hacks and steps on how to live life more lightly. However, as tempting as it can be, living an effortless life would not make it meaningful. Your pain and problems can be seen as an opportunity for growth. It is God’s way for you to help yourself. It can absolutely teach you lessons that only experiences can. Rejections can allow you to look for better options. Denied opportunities can open you to welcome more. Unplanned events can help you become more alert next time. And the list goes on.

Difficult moments in life can only become problematic if you keep on following your emotions. But whatever your life season is, know that He is always with you. Believe that He is moving even if you don’t see or feel anything yet. He knows that you are having a rough time. But think of it as an opportunity to build your character. It will be a chance for you to realize that you are more significant than your problems. Remember that as long as you have God, difficult things in life will always have reasons behind them. 

Lift up to Him your feeling of anxiety. Know that being anxious is okay but staying that way isn’t. You may feel down, but you don’t deserve to be in that depth all the time. It’s in that moment when you learn to know more about yourself. You will find the reason why you feel the way you think and learn to understand more about yourself. You will learn to be kinder and more gentle in handling your internal conflicts. And that you can make it with the help of the Father. He will fill you up every time your cup is empty. And can even fill you more than how much you ask for. 

Above all, let that difficult moment be an opportunity to witness and share God’s glory in your life. May those days be filled with testimonies showing how God can perform different miracles in our lives. May your life be an instrument to bless those that God wants to win. Fill yourself with His love, and blessings.