
God will not Rush you to Make Things Better Right Away

Blaming other people won’t make things easier. Putting someone responsible for matters in your life won’t give you peace. However, there is a possibility that your past may have influenced you to act like that. Pain and unhealed child experiences could also be a reason. You should not blame yourself for your thoughts can be so loud sometimes. On a good note, you have the authority and the gift to choose what to do and say. You have the choice in every situation in your life. It just looks and feels like you don’t because your heart yearns for something that is not there. However, you can make the situation more manageable by using the lens of God. Once you see things the way He does, you will see how blessed and favored you are.

God will always make a way to make situations easier. But sometimes, He will not always tell you what to do. Instead, He will tell you how to do it. You can trust and believe in Him, for He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. Let Him speak to you through reading His word. Always seek His guidance and love. Involve Him in all your life decisions, no matter how small, or big things are.

Know that He never promised an easy life, but He will help you to handle it well. God will not rush you to feel okay because He understands things take time. He is patient with you. He knows what your heart desires and what it needs to be ready to receive His plans. He knows the things that you still need to learn to foster His more incredible blessings that He is about to give. So, allow Him to teach you along the process.

God wants you to be happy. But He sees happiness differently. Sometimes, He defines joy in a very unexpected way. He will let you go through the pain and make you realize the importance of the people around you. He will reveal the value of the things He prepared for you by unveiling unexpected events in your life. He would allow you to lose to realize victory with Him. He will let you feel broken to realize that all this time you need fixing. He will make you sad to conclude that happiness is not the only goal in this life but also acceptance. He will give you the freedom to choose things in your life to realize that your destiny is not always according to Him, but the product of your choices is joined with His favor. He understands the things that you need to go through. All of God’s favor is a product of His love for you. So, place and offer your fear and doubts to Him and then focus your attention on more of His promises.

Your situation will soon be better. So, do not force yourself to feel something you are not yet supposed to. Let your emotions flow, and then help yourself to stand up. Be patient with yourself as He is patient with you. Do not let the pressure around you push you into a place God doesn’t want you to. Do not dwell on the place that will harm you. Instead, place yourself where God directs you. Everything will be okay. It is fine to worry and feel sad. He will wait for you. Embrace your will to love yourself the way God sees you. You are wonderfully and carefully made. You are not for this world but for Him who first loved you. Let your life be a living testimony. A life that God can use to bless and love others.