God’s Love for you is Deeper than the love you Gave to your Children
The love you offered to your children may seem so deep, but God loves you even more. He cares for you, and He also treats you as His precious child. So when you feel so weary and tired. Just come to His presence, and He will always be there to comfort you. Do not keep everything on your own. Sometimes, when we think that we are old enough, we no longer share our problems with others, thinking that it’s okay to hide everything inside. But it would help if you released what you feel. Talk to Him, and He will wrap you with His unfailing grace. He will give you rest. You are not alone in this journey. Know that God is just waiting for you to open your heart so that He can come in and reign inside.
God will take good care of you and your family. Do not worry about what will happen next. Remember that there are things in life that you can’t control. Lift up all your anxieties to Him, and everything will be alright. Trust that He will never leave you. His faithfulness will stay with you even in moments when you can’t feel His presence. If you are able to provide for your children, then surely, He will also give you what you need. He is your Father, and that means He will never put you to harm or destroy you in the end.
He knows the status of your heart. Imagine that moment when you can easily discern whether your children are feeling well or not just by looking at their faces. Because you know them so well, you are already aware of the things that they do when they are not okay. The same thing happens to God. He knows when your heart is so heavy. He can easily identify what you truly feel just by looking at your eyes. And He is there, giving you the comfort that you need.
God sees all your efforts, especially the love that you poured out to your children. One day, He will open your eyes, and you will reap a bountiful harvest. But don’t just focus on what you can do for others. Know that you are allowed to take some rest. You are also a human. People may demand so much time and energy from you, but let God be the source of your strength. Don’t fight the battle on your own. Let His love give you the courage to keep moving. Treat Him as your loving Father, and you will walk along the journey with so much hope and excitement.

One Comment
Nathaniel Myles
Amen! Thank God!!