
God’s Promises will Strengthen you Along the Journey

In every opportunity that lights your way, remember that God can give you so many favor. He provided you with countless possibilities and has been with you ever since. Strengthen your faith and hope whenever He tells you to hold on and keep on going. The journey that is prepared for you is already orchestrated by God himself. Although it happens according to how it is planned, the goal will never be changed.

If God says it will happen, He will really make it happen.

It may take some time, moments, heartbreak, and pain, but it will reveal its purpose someday. So take your time. Do not focus on each step but concentrate more on Him who allowed you to be on that journey. 

Sometimes, it cannot be avoided that you will feel so uncomfortable and nervous taking your steps. Excitement is occasionally hard to prevail when you are so clueless about what you are doing. But the great thing is that if God lets it happen to you, He has reasons behind it. That is why, do not get too frustrated when you feel your prayers are not being answered but believe that the One to whom you offered those prayers knows you more than anyone else.

Just keep on reading His word and be strengthened by His promises. Don’t be pulled by your problems and circumstances. Turn your frustrations into opportunities of learning more about God’s greatness and let Him mold your character. 

Remember that there is nothing you can control in this life, but you can always redirect your path according to your choices. Just involve God in every decision that you make. Always invite Him to bless you and your plans. Know that God listens and can always hear every drop of desire in your heart. 

He knows what you need. He knows what you must go through first before reaching that point where you can finally break through. That is why walking along the process is so vital. Just hold on to His promises. Focus on the purpose of why you have to go through it rather than just the heartbreak or pain itself. Pick up and treasure the lessons, and leave what you do not need anymore. Just carry what you need along the journey and surrender the unnecessary cares to God. 

He is providing you with promises that will strengthen you in every journey you choose. He will bless you and your decisions. He will not hold back great things from happening in your life. Instead, He will overflow you with more. It is normal to go through seasons of difficulty and rejection, but the good thing is that His goodness will never leave your side. He will always make a way. He will make things happen the way He orchestrated them to be. You just need to buckle up and hold on to His promises. The rest of the efforts are all up to Him. You do not have to do something beyond what you can because you have God with you, and He is more than enough to sustain you with everything.