Going Through The Season Of Preparation
Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
Acts 11: 25-26, NIV
In Acts 9, Saul was sent to Tarsus because of the threat he received in Jerusalem. The next time Saul’s name was mentioned was in Acts 11. It was when Barnabas tried to look for him. According to some scholars, Saul spent more or less ten years silently serving in ministry and learning about GOD. Before joining Barnabas again, he went through a season of preparation. Perhaps he spent these long years trying to figure out what God meant by the vision that he received from Him.
This made me think that the great men in the Bible also went through seasons of preparation. For instance, Moses spent 40 years before he was able to do what God called Him to do. Abraham waited for years to receive the son that God promised. David was anointed when he was still a young man, but it took many years before he became the King of Israel.
And here comes Saul, also known as Paul, who also spent more or less 10 years preparing himself. Maybe God knew that it was the perfect time for him to join with Barnabas and help spread the gospel to the Gentiles. He knew that by this time around, Saul was ready to face the challenges and trials that would come his way.
You see, this verse gives us the idea that just like Paul and the other men in the Bible, we will also go through seasons of preparation. These are the moments when our faith will be tested, at the same time, strengthened. It is in this season when we sometimes feel like we are buried in the ground, and it seems like nothing is happening. But in reality, our roots are growing.
When the time is right, God will lead us to the right environment where we can exercise our faith. A place where we can flourish. When God knows that we are ready, He will lead us to the perfect opportunities. Just like how God led Saul to Barnabas, He will also guide us to the right people who can help and support us.
Prayer: Loving Father, thank you so much for giving us the chance to learn and grow in your presence. As we go through the season of preparation, please give us the patience to keep moving. When we can’t see any growth or changes, please give us the courage to keep doing your will. We pray that you won’t stop reminding us about your promises. We pray that you will be glorified in the end. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.