Grace is always Something that we don’t Deserve
Nobody deserves the grace of God. We are all imperfect, and because we are still here on earth, there’s a possibility that we will still commit mistakes. That’s why God’s grace is there to rescue us from eternal condemnation. It’s God’s way of telling us that His love will never change no matter what happens in our lives. He will stay faithful and true despite our lapses. He doesn’t look at our sins, but He sees us as His precious child. That’s how deep and wide His grace is. It is something that we can never contain. He gave it to us, not because of our efforts and sacrifices, but it’s all because of His great and amazing love that is beyond what we can grasp.
Grace doesn’t give us the access to commit sins again, but it pushes us to love God and follow His will. It is like a strong force that motivates us to fight against the selfish desires of our flesh. It is so powerful that the moment we learn to receive it, we will also encounter the great love of God in our lives. We can never comprehend His grace. It’s something that experts can explain. He freely gave it to us without asking anything in return. Grace simply reflects the kindness and goodness of God. It is always a mystery, and no man can ever comprehend the fullness of His great love. And because of it, we are changed from glory to glory.
God’s grace makes us humble. It reminds us to stop relying on our own strength, abilities, and efforts. It’s God’s way of making us realize that we are nothing without Him. We need Him in our lives, and that fact alone reminds us not to boast about what we did for God because we can never repay His great love for us in the first place. The only thing that we can do is just to receive His grace over and over again until we fully learn to trust and follow Him.
Always remember that grace is a precious gift. Yes, we never deserve it, but God gave it to us so that we will realize who we truly are in His eyes. So never waste this priceless gift because not all people have the courage to receive it. Others find it hard to comprehend it. They just can’t simply understand what it means. But you are blessed enough to experience what His grace feels like. Treasure it so that you will also learn to extend it to those who feel so broken and in pain.