Self Development

Honest Answers May Hurt You, But It Will Make You Grow

There are certain things in life that we need to accept. The truth may hurt us sometimes, but we will never discover the fullness of this life if we can’t accept it. So be grateful to those people who choose to give you honest answers even if they know that it will hurt. Because only then will you learn to grow and work on your blind spots. Do not be afraid if someone gives you honest feedback. Instead of taking it as something against you, just try to treat it as an opportunity for you to become a better person. Learn to receive feedback positively, and you will discover a different kind of strength from within.

Accept the truth that you will not grow on your own. You need help from the people around you. Open your mind to a new perspective so that you will learn to deal with the different situations in your life. You are surrounded by people who can absolutely guide you on the right path. You can ask for their advice, read their books, or even listen to their podcasts. We are already living in the digital world. You can use the available resources around you and utilize them to grow and learn new things. Self-development is not a lonely journey. You need some company along the way. If you happen to have great friends around you, encourage them to share honest feedback about you, and treat their answers as priceless treasures that you can always keep inside.

Honest people will always do what is right. They are mature enough to handle the painful realities of life, and they know what’s important. If you already met someone who is honest enough to give you the answers you need, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Sometimes, they are the ones who deeply care for you. They may fail to show it, but deep inside, those kinds of people want to see you grow and prosper.

If accepting the truth is very difficult for you to do, always remember that you can ask God to teach you how to deal with it. He will be there to guide you. Sometimes the answer that you’ve been looking for is found in His words. God wants to correct and discipline you. Not because He wants to destroy you, but He simply wants you to experience the fullness of His love.