Self Development

How You Receive Is How You Also Give

Try to check your heart the moment you receive something from someone. Are you grateful enough? Or are you wondering why you receive such a thing and thinking about how to repay the person? Evaluate yourself because the way you react when you receive something will also be the state of your heart when you give or help someone.

May you always feel grateful when you receive something from someone. May it be a simple help or a gift. Whatever it is that you have, I hope that you will receive it with all your heart without any question or doubt. Your intention matters most. When someone gives you something, I hope you will not think of some ways how to pay it back because gifts shouldn’t be treated that way. I hope we will learn to give without asking anything in return.

Sometimes, our perspective in life is so unhealthy that we always put hidden agendas to anything that we are doing. Perhaps we are thinking about some negative intentions behind every good deed that we receive. It’s about time for us to stop doubting the love of others. May you always have a genuine heart every time you receive or give something to someone.

Jesus even said in Luke 14:13-14, “But when you give a big dinner, invite those who are poor. Also, invite those who can’t walk, the disabled and the blind. Then you will be blessed. Your guests can’t pay you back. But you will be paid back when those who are right with God rise from the dead.”

I hope you helped someone not because you wanted to pay them back but because they simply deserve it. I pray that you give not because you feel obliged but because you simply wanted to share the blessings that you receive. The world would be better if we treat everyone according to how God treated us.

Jesus never asked for anything in return the moment He surrendered His life on the cross. He chose to wait for us until we come back to Him. He never forces us to do good because we receive so many blessings from Him. But He simply allowed us to do anything we want until we realize what it means to receive His love. God doesn’t have a hidden agenda. He doesn’t even base His goodness according to our actions. He purely loves us even if we are sinners. May we always do the same thing to others. 

One Comment

  • Lilian Flores

    Thanks for this article, it reminds me to be grateful to any help that been given to me. Forget about the value but it should be the thoughts or the purpose why it had given to me. It brought me back to stay grateful and always be contented to whatever blessings I have in life. Wish I could return d favor in d best way that I could give