I Just Can’t Imagine My Life Without You Lord
If I just recall everything that happened in my life, I can never describe how you made me feel so special Lord. Yes, there are some problems and trials along the way, but your love always assures me that you will never abandon me no matter what happens. I don’t know where I would be without you, Lord. All this time, you became the source of my strength and courage.
I know that I fail you sometimes. I tend to forget the good things that you did every time I go through some terrible pain inside, but you never gave-up Lord. You never stopped loving me. You always made way for me. Even if I tend to doubt your love, you always keep me safe in your arms. I remember those times when I was so devastated because of some problems. And then, during those times, I keep on blaming myself for the things that I did. But you never accused me, Lord. I know I have a lot of mistakes, but you never condemned me. Instead, you keep on doing good things until I realized that nothing could change your love for me.
You are so patient with me, Lord. Every time I keep pushing things the way I want it to be, you are always there, always protecting me. You even made my mistakes into something amazing, and you turned my worries and problems into blessings in disguise. I sometimes keep on rushing things and want to be in control of everything to the point that I end up hurting myself. But then you never leave me behind. You still hold my hands even if sometimes, I wanted to let go because I thought that I need to do things on my own. You keep on guiding me along the way. Your grace is always there to sustain me.
I know that I’m not worthy to receive this kind of love, Lord. I’m a sinner, and I can never repay the things you did to save me. That’s why I’m beyond grateful for the things you did in my life. I can’t imagine my life without you. I know that every good thing that happened to me comes from your hands. And it’s all because of your love. So as I go on with this life, Lord, please teach me how to love you. Give me a humble heart that’s always willing to bring glory to your name. Thank you so much, Lord, for everything.

One Comment
Johnny Hernandez
AMEN thank you Lord for all your love and mercy for once I was a sinner now I’m redeemed through your Love and Glory