
It Takes A Vulnerable Heart To Accept True Love

Love is very hard to give, especially for those who already experienced so much pain in life. Those people are so afraid to give their hearts away because they might again go through another painful moment. But they need to be vulnerable enough to discover true love. As long as they won’t give others the chance to love them, it would be challenging for them to recover from pain.

Having a vulnerable heart simply means that you allow others to get to know you for who you are. And at the same time, you also welcome pain as if it’s part of the process. You know that you love someone when you experience pain from them, yet you choose to stay and accept them as who they are. Yes, there are still things that we can change, but there are also things that we just only need to accept. Sometimes, it’s painful to do it, but it will always be worth it.

If you want to experience true love, you need to open your heart so that others can come in. It takes God’s wisdom to do it. And it’s never an easy thing to do, especially if you already went through so much brokenness in life. But you can always ask guidance from God. Let His perfect love take away all the fears you feel inside. And let Him change the way you think. Allow God to love you and be vulnerable in His presence. Be honest to Him, and let Him know what you truly feel inside. God will always welcome you with arms open wide. He will accept you for who you are, and He will teach you how to love yourself and the people around you.

Don’t live in a life full of fear. That kind of life is not worth living. Maybe you are too scared to welcome the best things in life because you think that it might lead to greater disappointments. But you can never control the things that are happening around you. What you can do is to learn how to manage your reactions. You can start by accepting the truth that pain and love exist together. There will always be challenges along the way, but being vulnerable will let you experience the things that are always worth fighting for. So come out of your shell, and stop hiding. Let the whole world see how wonderful and awesome you are. Allow yourself to experience true love.