Self Development

It takes Humility to Acknowledge that you can’t do it on your own

When we live this life just by following our own understanding and will, there’s a tendency that we will fail to overcome the uncontrollable circumstances that come our way. The knowledge that we gain from our experiences is not enough to conquer the battles that we will face in life. We don’t have the kind of wisdom that will save us from different problems. We badly need God. We need His plans and power. We need His love. And it takes humility to admit this truth. Sometimes, we choose to focus on what we know rather than consult Him about the best thing to do. We follow our understanding, not knowing that God’s plans are so different. That’s why we experience frustrations and disappointments. We fail to align with God the things that we do.

Admit the truth that you can’t live this life on your own. You never know what’s ahead. You need divine intervention. You may not feel it, especially when things appear so smooth and easy, but the moment you go through challenges and failures, that’s when you’ll realize how much you need God’s presence. Sometimes, you will forget God because you tend to focus on your own success and strength. Don’t wait for something to happen before you realize who He truly is in your life. Acknowledge His will every single day. Hold His hands and honor His name. Choose to stay with Him, whether in good times or bad.

Be humble in His presence. God is always sovereign. You may have your own will, and you may be given a chance to exercise your freedom, but that doesn’t mean you will just forget God and do your own thing. Never forget the reason why you are still here. He is gracious and merciful that He still gives you so many chances to live. So instead of insisting on your own desires, humbly accept His plans and walk through the journey that He prepared. You may not understand everything, but soon you will see the blessings behind every obedient step that you take just to glorify His name.

Depend on God’s power. Seek His instructions, and you will be guided. Acknowledge your limitations and ask for His help. It would be very difficult for you to serve Him if you are not humble enough to accept His will. There are truths in life that are temporarily hidden in your eyes. And you will only discover and treasure them the moment you learn to let go of your own will and understanding. God’s power and grace will help you experience fulfilling things. And you will only receive them the moment you humble yourself.