
Jesus Loved Judas

Jesus treated Judas with so much love
He washed his feet
He prayed for him
He allowed Him to handle their money

Jesus never treated Judas as a stranger
Even if He knows that Judas will soon betray Him
Jesus loved Judas
He accepted him as one of His disciples

He knows even in the beginning
that Judas will break His heart
But then Jesus still treated Judas
with so much love and kindness
That kind of love is something
that we can never really fathom
His love taught us how to forgive the people
who caused us pain

One way or another,
We also became Judas once in our lifetime
We are also sinners who once neglected His love
We forget to follow His ways
And we let our own desires control us
But despite our mistakes and lapses
Jesus still accepted and loved us           

Instead of condemning us,
Jesus saved us from the fires of hell
He rescued us from our sins
He never looks at our flaws

Jesus loved us with all His life
And just like what He did to Judas
Jesus will continue to do good things in our lives
Even if sometimes, we end up hurting Him
That’s how He loved us so much

We are not perfect
But Jesus will always be there to love us
He is our defender
Our one and only Savior

So when you commit mistakes
Ask for forgiveness
And expect that Jesus will pick you up again