Jesus Proved to us That a Person Who Chooses to Love will Never Be Defeated
The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross represents what love is all about. He accepted and saved us despite all our imperfections and sins. He chose to love even if He went through pain and suffering, but in the end, He won the victory. Jesus defeated the enemy. If you feel so tired of loving someone, then remember what Jesus did on the cross. A person who chooses to love will always win in the end. Yes, it’s hard because you have to deal with brokenness and pain, but it will be worth it. When you choose to sacrifice your life just for others to live, you will realize what true love means. And only then will you also be filled with the great love of God.
May you always have the courage to love others. You may think that loving someone is so hard to do. But if you will learn to open your heart first so that God can come in and reign inside, you will begin to see things differently. He will strengthen your heart. And He will change your perspective. God will encourage you to serve and accept the people around you. He will heal your wounds, and His love will take away your fears. He will let you experience breakthroughs in life.
Seek Jesus, and He will teach you what true love means. He will open your eyes so that you will learn to appreciate the people around you. He will also teach you how to love yourself. In such a way, you will also learn to love others. Jesus will show you a lot of wonderful things if you will just let Him move in your life. He will sustain you until the end. Jesus will give you the wisdom that you need so that you will know when to offer sacrifice for others. He will protect your heart, so choose to trust in Him.
People who choose to love despite the hardships are the real warriors of God. They are the ones who are brave enough to fight for the things that matter most in life. So never stop loving others. They may not appreciate your sacrifices, but know that God sees everything that you are doing. One day, you will see the fruits of your pain, and only then will you realize that you are destined to experience victory in life.

One Comment
Amen..ao true..powerful words❤…thnk you for everything lord