
Jesus went through Suffering Alone

And His disciples all left Him and fled.

Mark 14:50, NASB

When Jesus was arrested, His disciples fled and left Him all alone. This happened before He was crucified. He went to the trial courts, was mocked by people, and was nailed on the cross without His disciples. He suffered and felt all sorts of pain, emotionally and physically. Jesus experienced everything. That’s why, when you feel so alone in the most heartbreaking season of your life, just come to Jesus because He understands you.

He’s been there, and He knows what you truly feel. He sees your wounded heart, and He knows how to heal you. Just humble yourself and receive His amazing love. You may not see it now, but one day, the suffering that you experience will turn into a powerful testimony. Be patient and keep walking with Him. It’s better to suffer with Jesus than walk on a smooth journey without His love. Don’t worry because He knows what’s best for you. Trust Him, and you will never feel alone.

Jesus patiently endured everything because of love. He knew that what He was doing would never be in vain. He took the blame because He knew that behind the pain that He experienced was the victory that He could share with His future bride, the church. He did everything out of love and not just out of obligation. He chose to suffer because He knew that it would not just end there. After the pain, there will be great revival and healing.

Always remember that the suffering you experience is not an accident. God allowed it to happen because He wanted His plans to be fulfilled. And it’s greater than what your mind can perceive. So treat the most painful moment of your life as an opportunity for you to love God. Let the suffering remind you about His power and amazing grace. Walk with Him, and you will arrive at the place that He prepared.

Jesus may be alone, but He is not lonely because He knows that the Heavenly Father is with Him. Yes, He was in pain, but still, He remained faithful to God. He didn’t even hate His disciples for what they did because He knows that it’s all part of the great plan that God prepared. He doesn’t focus on His suffering. Instead, He chose to lean His Father and surrendered His life to Him.

Just like Jesus, you may go through the wilderness moments, and you may feel that your heart is so broken, but you are not alone. Your Savior is with you. He is there waiting for your heart to open up so that He can come in. So keep your faith in Him and do not rely on your own understanding.

Come to the arms of Jesus, and He will comfort you. Call upon His Name, and He will be there. You may think that nobody appreciates you, but your Creator in Heaven treats you as a treasure. His love for you is greater than the difficulties you are facing. Yes, Jesus suffered alone, but on the third day, He rose again. He conquered death. He overcomes the pain. Know that there are still brighter days ahead. The suffering that you experience will not last. Soon, you will experience His healing, and you will have the confidence to reach your dreams because you know that Jesus is with you even in pain and brokenness.