His Word

John 18:36, NIV

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

John 18: 36, nIV

This is what Jesus said to Pilate when He asked Him if He was the King of the Jews. At this moment, Jesus was accused by the High priest, and they wanted Him to be crucified on the cross. But even though our Savior went through this torment, He still knew who He was. Jesus is a King. It just happens that during the moment, His kingdom is not that visible because God intended it to happen for our sake. And because Jesus chose to obey the command of the Father despite the persecutions that He experienced, we are now given a chance to experience His Kingdom. His sacrifice on the cross made way for us to be connected to God.

May you never forget that Jesus is a King, and one day, His Kingdom will reign.