Self Development

Just because your Path is Different doesn’t mean you are not on the Right Track

God is so unpredictable. If you want to walk along His path, then expect things to be different and sometimes unconventional. He will allow you to explore places where you will certainly grow. Most of the time, it’s not going to be easy because you will walk along an unusual path that very few people walk through. You will ask questions along the way. Am I still doing the right thing? Is this really the will of God? Why does it feel so different from everybody else’s path? These questions will sometimes hinder you from walking. The doubts inside will test the purpose and the desire that God planted in your heart. If you are in this situation right now, then know that you are always allowed to ask questions, but you also need to seek the right answer. The unique path that you are taking will bring out the best in you. If it’s God who led you, then it will always be worth it in the end.

Do not compare your journey to others. Stop looking at their accomplishments as if they are like northern stars that you should also follow. God purposely planned a path only for you. He created each obstacle according to the things that you need to learn. He knows the specific areas that you must work on. So trust in His plans and stop relying on your own understanding. You may think that your plans are great, but God knows what is ahead. He is aware of the things that you must prepare in order for you to overcome the storms that you will face. He is just building your strength and endurance. So don’t be discouraged if He allows you to walk along a different path. 

You are created in a unique way. God is aware of your potential. He shaped and formed you in your mother’s womb. He is the one who gave you all the blessings that you need. Don’t worry because He will sustain you with His grace. There may be days when you find yourself so clueless about the things that are going on in your life, but God is always with you. Choose to follow His instructions, and only then will you realize the purpose behind the things that He asks you to do.

Trust in the hands that guide you. Sometimes you will feel so overwhelmed by what’s happening around you, and you will look at somebody else’s journey as better than you go through. When that moment comes, always keep in mind that the God who created this universe knows what He is doing. You need to keep your faith in Him despite all the doubts that you feel inside. Surrender all your fears and disappointments, and only then will you learn to see the good things in front of you. He will open your eyes so that you will appreciate the unique journey that He perfectly orchestrated.