Self Development

Just Choose To Be Kind Even If You Are Tired

It’s not easy to love broken people. Your character will be tested, and when the things that they are doing are too much, you will feel so drained and tired. But even if you can’t find the strength to love them, just choose to be kind and know that God’s love will give you the courage you need. You may want to give up but choose to do good things for them. I know that it’s not easy. It takes so much courage to bless those who can’t even appreciate what you do for them, but know that God sees your heart. And He will bless you with enough grace so that you will learn to accept them even if it’s so difficult and challenging.

Come to Jesus, and He will give you rest. He will provide peace in your heart so that you will begin to see things from a different perspective. Just surrender everything that you feel to God, and He will carry you in His arms. Let God love you, and He will take away the heavy burden in your heart. Know that you are not alone in this journey, you can always ask for God’s help, and He will be there to rescue you. Let Him teach you how to love the difficult people in your life. He will open your eyes so that you will begin to appreciate their true identity in the Lord. You will never be disappointed as long as you trust in His ways.

God will embrace you with His love. He will make you feel whole and fulfilled in His arms, and that’s when you will have the courage to share His kindness with others. Just let Him love you first and treat it as the source of your love. You will never run dry in the presence of God. Just stay with Him, and everything else will follow. He will be your strength when you feel so tired and weak. Know that He alone can lead you to love the broken people around you. Remember that you are also one of them, but God’s love redeemed you from the pain of your past, and now He healed your heart. 

You can take a pause, but please don’t stop doing good deeds to others. Your efforts will never be wasted because God will make them grow and prosper. One day, you will see His hands moving, and you will thank Him for teaching you how to serve others. You will feel so fulfilled within because you will experience His great miracles not just in your life but also in those difficult people you tried to love.

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