Just Hold on to His Promises
God’s promises will give you hope. When you are walking through the darkness, or going through storms in life, never forget the things that God said. He promised you a bright future, and He said that He will never leave you behind. So hold on, and do not give up. Remember His goodness in your life. You may not clearly understand what’s going on around you, but keep walking because His light will be there to guide you to the right path. Keep His promises and carve them in your heart so that when you feel so down, you will have the strength to take another step. God is faithful. This world will change, but His word will never fade away. He will make things happen according to His perfect timing.
Never limit the power of God in your life. Sometimes, when you are too bombarded with problems, you can no longer see His hands, and the worst thing is you tend to rely on your own strength. You think that God can’t save you from what you are going through, so you choose to fight the battle on your own. But always remember that God is good. And He wants the best for you. So let Him move and have His own way. Allow Him to change your life. It may be painful at first, but soon you will realize that He is just leading you to the promised land. Trust in His ways and stop relying on your own knowledge.
Be patient along the process. God is faithful, and He will perform miracles in your life if you will just allow Him. Let your faith grow and believe in His perfect timing. Do not rush the important things in your life. Stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on what God is doing. Never label yourself as a failure just because you feel that you are left behind. You have a different journey. That’s why it’s irrational to compare your success to what others are experiencing. Run your own race and enjoy the process with God.
When you feel like giving up. Read the bible and recall the promises that He gave you. Declare them in your life. Then, by faith, imagine that you already received the blessings that He prepared. Do not live according to what you see. Look deeper and let your life be rooted in the love of God. Rely on His goodness, and you will have enough strength. Hope is found within. So look inside you, and listen to the still small voice that says, “Just keep going.”

One Comment
Thank you for the encouragement. Im going through a tough time and i even told God im already tired and want Him to take my life.Your message touches my heart and feels like these are the answers of God to my questions to Him. Thank you.