Learn To Believe When You Pray
I know that you’ve been praying for something to happen in your life right now, but the question is, do you believe in your prayers? Do you believe that God is good enough to give you great things in life? Sometimes, we ask something from God, but we still feel doubts inside. We wonder if God will provide the very thing that we’ve been praying for. Learn to trust in God’s love. He is listening to you.
When you pray, always imagine that God already answered your prayers. Believe that what you’ve been hoping for is already happening. God sees your heart. He knows all your desires and intentions. So do not doubt His power in your life. He will perform miracles if you will just learn to trust Him more than your own understanding. God never failed you before. Believe that this time around, He will continue to bless you with amazing things in life.
Yes, God has His own plans, and sometimes, we can’t comprehend His ways because we never see the bigger picture. But even though we don’t have any idea about the things that will happen next, still He wanted all of us to have faith. So do not stop praying. You can share everything that bothers you inside and pray for it. God is already doing something in the midst, but you need to believe to fully receive the blessings that He prepared for you. You will lose nothing if you choose to trust Him.
Pray that God will also teach you how to have faith in Him. Allow Him to guide you on what to do. May God give you His gift of faith so that you will learn to fully rely on His ways. Surrender everything to God and know that He will take good care of you. When you pray, just envision the hands of God moving in the midst. And after you do that, your heart will surely be at peace. You will no longer worry because you know that God will never abandon you.
Your prayer life is also a form of declaration that no matter what happens, blessings will still overtake you because you know in yourself that the God who created this universe is always with you. Do not pray as if God is not listening. Remember that you are His precious child, and just like your earthy father, God will also provide your needs. So hang on, and do not stop talking to Him. Above all, always keep the faith.

I’m very thankful with your article. So much to learn
Vernita Beller
I thank The Lord for his word it feeds my soul.