Let God purify the Inside first
Let Him heal the wounds
Let Him take away the bitterness
And the outside will be cleansed
Do not focus
On what other people can see
Set your eyes
On what matters most in the end
God is after of your heart
He knows the impurities you have inside
And if you will keep on
Neglecting your wounds
You will always carry the pain with you
If you will not go through
The healing process
You will become a person
Who is full of rage and bitterness
So before you work on the outside
Let God deal with the matters
Of your heart first
He wants you to experience
The fullness of His blessings
And you can only do it
The moment you allow God
To reign in your life
Put Him at the center
And He will renew your broken heart
Abide in His words
Live in His promises
Grow in His presence
And your life
Will never be the same
He will give you the strength you need
Facing the deep matters of your heart
Takes a lot of courage
But the good news is
God will be there
He will walk with you
Along the journey
It may take time
But the process will be worth it
As long as you stay in His presence
Your life will be better
You will encounter more of Him
Just don’t neglect
The things on the inside
Try to ponder the steps
That you need to take
Let God guide you
And He will transform you
From the inside out