Let God Write Your Story
Sometimes, we are too focused on achieving our plans that we tend to feel very disappointed every time we encounter unexpected events. We think that the situation we are facing will only put us in danger. But what if God purposely allowed us to experience those things so that we will see better perspectives? Maybe behind those challenges are hidden truths that God wants us to learn. We just have to let go and allow Him to take over. Give up the pen and let God write your story. Allow Him to perform miracles in your life. Stop controlling the things that you can’t change. Let God do His thing and learn to trust Him. He is the best author ever. So never doubt His love for you.
If you don’t know what to do, then pause for a while and pray. Talk to God and let Him know what you truly feel inside. Sometimes, we can’t really understand the ways of God. So instead of trying to look for the answers. Why not let God teach you what to do? Follow His ways and always consult Him in every decision that you make. Receive the peace of God and allow yourself to rest. Yes, you may have many plans but learn to submit all of it to God and allow Him to make some changes. He just wants you to experience the best in life.
Do not judge your story based on your past. You will never know what will happen next. If you let God write your story, you will always feel secured and protected. It doesn’t mean that you will no longer encounter some pain. It simply means that God will be your ultimate source of strength. His grace will always be there to sustain you. The first few chapters of your life may appear so messy but believe that God will do something great along the way. You will be amazed by how He will turn your heartaches into a story that is full of hope and faith.
One day, you will be able to share your testimony. Your brokenness will become a powerful message of restoration. It will give hope to those people who are also going through some tough season in life. God will use you to glorify His name. You will witness His great power, and you will realize that nothing is impossible for Him. So keep the faith and enjoy your journey with God. Let Him lead you to the perfect destination that He prepared for you all this time.

One Comment
Eseta Ulberg
I love reading your post. Thank You and God bless you.