Let your Memory Bank be Wealthier than your Wallet
What’s inside your memory bank? How many precious moments do you already have? May you gain enough memories that will remind you that your life here on earth is never wasted. The experiences you have with the people you love are more expensive than the earthly riches you acquire here on earth. You can always buy another property, car, or jewelry, but you can never bring back the life of the person you love. That’s why you need to treasure your moments with them while you still can. Never compromise your relationships just for the sake of gaining earthly riches. Remember that you can never bring your wealth with you when you die, but the people you choose to spend your life with will always remember you.
It’s okay to work hard for your future, but never forget that your dreams will be wasted if you will neglect your present. Treasure the blessings in front of you. Be content with what you have and spend more time with your loved ones. Sometimes, it’s hard to do it, but be more intentional with your relationships because you never know what lies ahead. Money is not the only thing that we need. So don’t revolve your world around it. You also need to feel connected with the people you love. As much as you want to sustain your body, you must also consider your spiritual and emotional health.
Gather memories that you can recall when you grow old, and hopefully, you can also share them with your future grandchildren. You can never go back to your past, but remember that what will happen today will turn into memories, and it can be good or bad. It depends on how you choose to live your life. But despite the uncertainties that you experience, may you learn to receive God’s joy and peace so that you will treasure everything that you have. One day, the precious time you experience with other people will become a story of hope to the future generation. And it will give them a glimpse of what life is all about.
A truly wealthy person collects precious memories with the people around them. They are not easily tempted by the temporary pleasures of this world, but they focus on spending more time with what matters most in the end, and that’s the relationships that they have, may it be with their family, friends, or partner. They know that life is short, and the best way to make the most of it is to gather memories that will make them smile in the end.