His Word

Let’s Choose To Strengthen Others

After spending some time in Antioch, Paul set out from there and traveled from place to place throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.

Acts 18: 23, NIV

Paul’s mission wasn’t just to plant churches outside Jerusalem and make converts. But it was also his goal to strengthen the disciples. This gives us two important reminders.

First, for those who already started making disciples, we are reminded to continuously serve those whom God entrusted us. It’s not enough that they know Jesus; we are also called to help them know Him deeper. That they may be strengthened, and they may also be empowered to disciple others.

Let’s pray that God will also give us wisdom and understanding so that we may properly guide them to the right path. Let’s allow His love to consume us so that we can share His love with others. May Paul’s life remind us to take good care of God’s people.

Second, this verse is also a reminder for disciples who have just encountered Jesus. May you choose to know Him even more, have an intimate relationship with Him, and strengthen your faith. Desire more of God’s love. Do not settle with what you are experiencing right now. Seek Him even more. Grow in His presence, and you will live a fulfilled life.

And one day, when you are ready, you will also learn to share the love that you receive with others. Jesus will also lead you to disciple the broken and the wounded. And when that day comes, you will receive more of Him. Jesus will empower you and give you the grace that you need so that you can serve others.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for reminding me to become your disciple. Please give me a heart that’s willing to abide in your will. Lead me to your heart every single day so that I may learn to also share your love with others. Teach me how to take good care of those people you entrusted to me. Help me Lord, that I may lean on your wisdom and understanding. Strengthen my faith so that I may victoriously finish this race. This I ask, in Jesus’ name, amen.