Let’s Not Allow The Spirit Of Entitlement To Consume Our Hearts
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
Acts 4:32, NIV
This is how the early church helped each other. They were one in heart and mind. No one was entitled to their riches or possessions. Instead, they chose to share what they had with those who were in need. They never hesitate to offer their blessings to their brothers and sisters. The Holy Spirit was with them, leading and guiding them. Perhaps it was God who gave them a heart of compassion and love. It’s the Spirit that opened their eyes to the needs of others.
This is a great reminder for us. We are all part of the church that God built. We may have different Christian denominations or names, but we are all here to serve God and share Jesus. May we not forget what the early church did. They had one heart. A heart that was willing to serve and love others. A heart that was eager to offer the possessions that they had just to support one another. May we also learn to do the same thing regardless of the denomination or culture that we are in.
Let’s not allow the spirit of entitlement to consume our hearts. Sometimes, we unknowingly reserve certain blessings to satisfy our own desires, not knowing that there are people who badly need our help. We tend to own the gifts that God provided as if we are entitled to receive them. May we not forget that everything we receive is all because of God’s grace. Let’s not focus on what this world can offer. Instead, let the eternal promise of God reign in our hearts. We are not here to please ourselves. But we are here to serve God.
You will know that the Holy Spirit is in a church if you notice the members sharing God’s blessings. They weren’t entitled human beings. Instead, with a heart full of humility, they wholeheartedly offer the blessings and gifts they received without expecting anything in return. This church is full of believers with one heart and mind.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for the chance to be part of your church. Please give me a heart that’s willing to serve. Make me more sensitive to other people’s needs. I pray for a compassionate heart to humbly offer happy sacrifices for the broken and lost. This I ask, in Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.