Life With God Is Not Always Happy
Some people think that when you encounter the love of God, you will never feel pain and brokenness anymore. But then, based on what I’ve experienced, believing in God doesn’t mean you will no longer face problems. Life will never be perfect, but what makes it worth living is because of the presence of God. Our relationship with Him is the best thing we could ever experience here on earth. We may go through many ups and downs in life, but our only assurance is that God will always be there to help us. He never promised a life without pain. What He said is He will never leave us nor forsake us. And that promise alone is powerful enough to give us the courage to move on and take the next step.
We may encounter His love, but there are really moments when we feel so broken inside. Our relationship with God will never grow stronger in an instant. It takes time and effort. For us to learn the important things in life, we still need to go through the process. And along the way, we will encounter pain and brokenness simply because God wants to heal the wounds in our hearts. He wants to change the things that don’t please Him and replace it with something better. We need to face our broken past and allow God to renew our minds. It’s not going to be a comfortable journey, but God will guide us along the way.
Life is challenging, especially when we choose to follow the ways of God. This world has a different standard. And when we follow His will, there are moments when people tend to misinterpret our actions. But we just need to stay focused and set our eyes on what will bring glory to His name. Let’s continue to listen to His voice and allow Him to teach us about the best thing to do. Let’s keep on walking with Him even if we face a lot of hardships.
We may not feel happy all the time, but God alone can satisfy our hearts. It’s okay to be sad. The negative emotions we feel have a purpose. It simply reminds us that we are not perfect. That’s why we should not trust our own understanding. Instead, we need to be more independent in the love of God. The goal is not about finding our happiness, but it’s more about glorifying God along the process.