
Live According to the Identity that God has Given You

God identifies you for who you are and not for what you did. You may have sinned and made mistakes, but these things do not define who you are. Do not listen to what the world says about you. The enemy could attack and disturb you a lot of times. It will tempt you to believe lies and distractions. However, God never sees you the way the enemy does. He sees you as a winner, victorious and triumphant. He knows who you are in a very in-depth manner. The enemy only sees your weaknesses, but He holds your strength in all aspects of life. It could be hard sometimes, but you can detach yourself from the enemy’s chain. 

You are not your sin. Remember that you are learning in this life. Instead of focusing on the sin itself, focus on why you have done what you shouldn’t have. Ask God to give you the wisdom you need to understand more about yourself. Sinning is never okay. And it doesn’t mean you cannot avoid it. Sometimes it will give you the feeling of ecstasy, escape, and instant gratification. Yet, the more you do it, the more it will destroy your soul.

It can be very tempting to listen to your fear sometimes. Because there are those days that it becomes louder than the truth that God has in you. That is okay. As humans, we are usually driven by fear. But it is not good when you start to identify with it. You will begin to believe that you do not deserve things in this life and are incapable. However, always remember that He blessed you with the blessing of having the authority to control how you would handle your thoughts. When negative thoughts start creeping in, you must remind yourself of the truth that God told you. Remind yourself that you are worth it and valued by Him who created you. Feed your heart and mind with His word, even if your feelings are saying the opposite. He will give you the peace that you need. You just have to welcome more of Him.

God knows you better than anyone in this world. He made you out of love, blessings, and favor. You are never alone in your journey. He wants you and not your sins. He never sees you as more significant than your mistakes. That is why, when you lose your identity, find it in the arms of God. Let His word be louder than the lies. You deserve the things that He prepared for you. Free yourself and fill it with His truth. It will not be easy sometimes. But fight your battles with His promises, and you will defeat the enemy. Remember, beyond your feelings and emotion, you are loved unconditionally by the One who created you. 

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