Most of the time, God will Speak to you through a Gentle Whisper
The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
1 Kings 19: 11-12
God was not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but He speaks to Elijah through a gentle whisper. Sometimes, when we have so many problems in life, the enemy’s lies are louder than the voice of God. This is why we need to keep on praying, especially when we are going through challenging moments. God speaks through a gentle whisper because He is so near to you. He doesn’t have to shout because He is right there beside you. The negative thoughts seem so loud because the enemy is too far from you, and they are shouting so that you will hear them. But then, God doesn’t have to do that. He knows that His sheep listen to His voice.
Fill your mind with good thoughts so that you will hear God’s voice clearly. Stop listening to the negative news that you can see or hear from the internet or other people. Surround yourself with people who will cheer you up. Do not just listen to the voices inside of you. Read good stories, listen to testimonies or sermons. Never entertain the lies of the enemy. Choose to be busy with learning more about yourself and about God. He will speak to you. Just put your attention on Him.
Read His word. God will speak to you through your Bible. So open it every day and remind yourself about His great ways. Remember His promises and the things that He taught you before. It’s better to remind yourself about the important matters that you need to put first than learn about new revelations without establishing your spiritual foundations. Go back to the basics and put His words in your heart. Only then will you slowly hear Him clearly.
Just rest in His presence and connect to Him every single day. Be consistent and never miss your daily devotions. Communicating to God is very important. It will prepare your heart and soul for the changes that you might experience. He will equip you as long as you let Him reign in your heart. He is always speaking to you. Just open your ears for His instructions and train your mind to only listen to His voice. It’s not an easy process. But once you do things consistently, then it will slowly become a habit.

One Comment
Dian Mark
I’m really blessed with the word of God and so nice to be joining this Group is of God.