Self Development

Never allow other People’s Opinion to Dictate your Value as a Person

You are who God says you are. Do not listen to those people who never really know your story. They don’t have the right to judge and condemn you. Nobody can judge a person. Even Jesus Himself chose to forgive the sinners. He never reminded them about their sins. Instead, He set them free from the chains of the enemy. So focus on Him and listen to His words. God knows you from the inside out. He created you, and He sees everything that happened in your life. He understands your heart, so choose to listen to Him. He holds the truth, and the moment you embrace your God-given identity, you will no longer see yourself as someone worthless.

God says that you are chosen and loved. You are not trash. Jesus bought you for price. So never underestimate what He did for you on the cross. You are His beloved, and that will never change. People may say bad things about you. They may judge your actions and the things that you do. But God sees that part in your heart that you’ve been hiding all this time. He knows your intentions and the efforts that you exerted just to make your life better.  He values you as a person and as His precious child. So come to Him, and He reminds you of your worth.

No one can break your heart unless you allow them. Focus on the goodness of God and not on other people’s opinions. Do not let them destroy your life. You are powerful enough to manage your own reaction. Yes, you can’t control them, but you can always handle yourself and manage the information you received from others. Remember that you can never please everyone. So instead of trying to make yourself look good in their eyes. Choose to grow and develop yourself to please God. Do everything for His glory, and your heart will be satisfied. Let Him be the reason why you do what you do, and nobody can ever destroy you.

Remember who you truly are in the eyes of God. Your identity in Him will serve as one of the strongest foundations that will help you stay on track. If you are deeply rooted in His love, you will no longer entertain the negative opinions of others. Instead, you will focus on what God says about you. Only Him knows your true worth as a person. Nobody else in this world will discover how valuable you are not unless they ask God.


    • Yimsung

      I am very encouraged and your article was truly a blessing which I needed the most this moment in my life. Never let others opinion ruin our life. Thank you so much and may God continue to bless and use you.