Now I Know What “All Glory To God” Really Means
I really thought that it’s a simple expression that Christians use to say in church. But little did I know that the words, “All glory to God” means so much. It’s a powerful reminder that we live according to His grace, and God simply deserves all the glory. We are nothing without Him, and every blessing we receive comes from Him.
God destined us to do great things that are beyond our natural ability. He wanted to show us what it means to live according to His love and grace. And that simply means that every gift that you have comes from Him. If you learn to steward it properly, you will know what it means to live according to His grace. He wants to get all the glory. Whatever it is that you accomplish right now, if you believe that God is the reason you made it this far, it simply means that He already gets the glory that He wanted to receive through your gifts.
We need to remind ourselves that the things that we have in our lives are all His blessings. We may think that we work hard for it. That’s why we receive it, but then at the end of the day, you will never reach this far without His unfailing grace in your life. We are simply stewards of God’s blessings. That’s why, do not just depend on your own ability, instead allow God to use you so that He can get all the glory.
There are still a lot of things that God will do in your life. You just have to open your heart and allow Him to move. Let Him do His thing. He will perform a lot of miracles, and you will experience His incredible presence every day. Use whatever it is that you have right now to glorify His name. God’s plans are greater than what you have in mind, and if you want to make it happen in your life, then you need to surrender your own will and allow Him to take over.
If you wanted God to get all the glory, then remind yourself over and over again that everything you have right now comes from Him. You live and move because of Him. Make Him the center of your life and the reason for your everything. And I hope that one day, you will learn to say the words, “All glory to God” with all your heart because you already experience what it means to be used by Him.