One day, You’ll make Courageous Decisions that will Change your Life
You are not that weak and powerless to make courageous decisions in life. You may feel like you don’t have the strength to do it because the pain tries to rule in your heart, but there is still hope.
When you are ready, you’ll get there. When the time is right, you’ll be able to overcome all your fears.
So, while waiting for that wonderful moment, just be patient with yourself. Take some time to release the burdens to God. Surrender to Him all your worries. Don’t pressure yourself too much.
Just because you can’t find the courage to make any changes doesn’t mean there’s no hope left. It’s just you still need to regain some strength.
Pause. Breathe. Talk to God. Receive His love.
Stay still, and let His amazing grace consume your soul. Only then will you realize that you are not alone. When your heart is full of His love, you will also have the courage to face that one thing that hinders you from growing.
Remember that perfect love casts out fear. It’s God who will give you supernatural strength.
Courageous Decisions
When the voices in your head try to pressure you to make sudden changes even when you feel so weak, just bear in mind that God is never in a hurry.
He will slowly walk with you all throughout the process. He has His own timeline. You just have to trust in His wisdom and understanding.
One day, when your heart is already filled with enough love, you will have the courage to let go of your old life.
One day, when you finally taste the goodness of God, you’ll be able to step outside your comfort zone.
One day, you will have the courage to say, ‘No,’ to the negative voices in your head.
One day, you will be healed.
And your life will completely change.