Only God Can Give You The Kind Of Love That Never Fails
When we talk about love, people would somehow associate it with something sweet and delightful. But love is not just about romance. It’s deeper and wider than what other people can give to you. If you think that your life partner can satisfy the thirst in your heart, then always remember this. Only perfect love can make you whole. And no human being can give it to you. In short, you can’t find that kind of love from your partner. Only God can give you perfect love. And in Him, you will always feel fulfilled and whole. Because He will heal your wounds and replace your pain with hope. God will teach you how to genuinely accept and love others without expecting something in return.
God is love. Come to Him, and He will fill your empty heart. He is perfect, and He will never fail you. People may betray and break your trust, but God will never do that. He is faithful, and even if you commit sins, He will always stay with you. He will forgive you for all the mistakes that you made. Your loving Father will continue to provide for your needs. So instead of expecting somebody else to mend your heart. Choose to come to your ultimate Healer, and He will never hesitate to make you whole again.
Your partner and the people who are close to your heart can never complete you. Remember that they are also human. And just like you, they are also looking for that kind of love that will make them whole again. And the sad truth is, you can never offer that love to them because you also have your flaws. One way or another, you will also commit mistakes along the journey. So choose to focus on God. Let Him fill you with His unfailing love so that you will be able to share it with others. You can’t give the things that you don’t have. So you need to be filled first so that you will overflow and learn to love the people around you.
Let God satisfy your heart first so that you will no longer look for love in the wrong places. You will end up so broken if you keep expecting other people to make you feel happy and satisfied. Only God can do it in your life. Let His presence surround you so that you will never forget to seek Him first. Receive God’s love, and you will never feel empty inside. Instead of pushing others to do what you want, you will learn to serve them with the best that you can.

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