Open your Heart to Receive more of God’s Blessings
God will show you favor in a lot of ways. Acknowledge it well, no matter in what form it may be. There may be times that it appears in a form of challenges and problems, but behind the difficulties are life-changing lessons. Things that you never had the chance to receive could be a way of teaching you how to be patient with what He really prepares. Unanswered prayers could be a blessing that can save you from something.
Sometimes, the heart could get so attached to the things it has already received. Take, for example, the favor God poured from the previous seasons of your life. You made it as a pedestal for more of His blessings. Unknowingly, His ways could be in a different form this time. You would sometimes label and identify yourself as who you used to be. Yet, keep in mind that He knows you better than how you know yourself. Open your hearts to new things that God will bless you with. It could sometimes be painful as if you will feel like you are losing something. However, it will teach you to be humble. Just know that things change, and they could be in ways that could be hard for us to accept.
You are not losing anything. It is just that change is happening, and God is only moving things in your life. One thing will arrive and will serve its purpose in your life. But when what He planned is fulfilled, He will give you something new. Of course, you would sometimes feel bad about it. That is fine. It is our nature to be a little resistant to change. But remember what God has promised you. You might not be able to figure out the reasons immediately, but trust in Him.
Faith is about trusting God that He is doing His job to meet excellent plans for you. Do not worry. It might make you sad and frustrated, but that is a sign that the situation teaches you to be patient. Patience comes from how you would handle situations. That is an excellent opportunity for you to embody it.
Blessings come in different forms. Sometimes it will come from the most unexpected things, events, and people. Someone you hate may teach you to build your character. Knowledge and wisdom may come from how you encounter difficult situations and people in your life. Waiting may teach how to be patient and stay loyal to God’s promises. Warnings and rebukes may guide you to restrain, control, and discipline yourself. Sickness may teach you how to take good care of yourself. Losing something may teach you how to value and give worth to things.
These things are blessings in different forms. Open your heart and acknowledge these priceless gifts. You will learn that they are not just about victory and conquering but beyond that, it is about God winning your heart and you accepting His love.

One Comment
Oscar Galliguez
I am true believer that our God Almighty will always be there for us, let’s just keep our faith and trust in Him. Amen..