Self Development

Pain will let you see the Things you Fail to Appreciate

Sometimes, you need to go through painful moments for you to realize the things that matter most in life. When we are too occupied with worldly pleasures, we tend to overlook God’s simple yet very important blessings. That’s why He needs to do something so that we will realize the truth behind the situation in our lives. Pain is there so that our eyes will be opened to the reality that God wants us to see. Just be patient if you can’t understand what’s going on inside of you. Surrender what you feel to your loving Father and let Him change your perspective. It may not be easy to deal with pain, but stay with God, and you will get through this.

Pain will remind you to cherish the important relationships in your life. So don’t wait for something to happen before you learn to treasure the people around you. Look at the things that you can take with you even through eternity. Spend your time wisely. Treat your loved ones with kindness and treasure them with all your heart. And above all, never forget your relationship with God. Learn more about Him and grow in His presence so that when you go through pain, you will experience His grace and amazing power. Do not waste your life on things that will destroy you in the end. Instead, seek God’s kingdom and stop focusing on the temporary riches of this world.

You are surrounded with so many blessings. But you will fail to appreciate them when your eyes just focus on the things you don’t have. That’s why, when pain comes in, that’s the time you will realize that there are certain blessings that you took for granted. It’s not easy to overcome those moments, but it will surely transform you into a better person. Just trust God along the process and do not judge Him according to what you see or experience. The truth is, He wants you to live this life to the fullest. And you can only do it as long as you open your eyes for His great blessings. Pain will help you see those things.

You will be a different person after you go through the brokenness. You will learn to treat the people around you with compassion and kindness. Your time will no longer be wasted on things that will last for a moment. Instead, you will learn to appreciate God’s blessings and make the most of the opportunities He gave to you. Just choose to endure even if you already feel so weak. God is with you, and He will be your source of strength.