His Word

Peter Had Faith In Jesus, And Not In Himself

“Aeneas,” Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and roll up your mat.” Immediately Aeneas got up.

Acts 9:34, NIV

Peter healed a bedridden man in the name of Jesus. He knew that the power of Jesus was more than enough to restore someone’s health. He proclaimed His power, and the disciples witnessed what happened. Peter identified himself as God’s instrument. Aeneas was healed not because of Peter’s own effort or skills but all because of the power of Jesus. Peter had faith in Jesus and not in himself.

Sometimes, we tend to forget that we are just merely instruments of God. We focus on the blessings and miracles and not on the giver himself. We act as if everything depends on us. Let’s not forget that we are God’s vessels just like Peter. It means that we shouldn’t trust our own strength and understanding. Instead, let’s allow the power of Jesus to reign.

If by chance, something good happen in your life because you knew that someone prayed for you. Just keep in mind that it’s not because of how they prayed or because of their faith. But you are blessed because of the power of Jesus. Humans are mere instruments. And the moment we forget this, we can’t help but treat God’s blessings as idols. Instead of worshipping the giver and the healer Himself.

Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus. Let’s not take the credit because at the end of the day, we are simply nothing without His grace and love. We may sometimes think that we deserve what we received, but the truth is, we are just relying on God’s grace. Miracles happen not because of our own efforts, but all because of the goodness of God in our lives. Let’s give Him back the glory, for He alone deserves it.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving us the chance to share your love to others. As we continue to serve you and your people, please remind us that we are merely vessels of your blessings. Give us a heart that’s willing to proclaim and share your grace to others. We pray for your guidance, that we may not treat your blessings as idols. Instead, we would learn to fix our eyes on you, our Lord. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.