Putting Jesus at the Center of your Life isn’t just about Worshipping Him
Humans have the tendency to rely on their own strength and knowledge. And because we live in a modern world where we can easily get the things that we want, we tend to have this impatient attitude that somehow keeps us from experiencing the will of God. Not only that, when we are overwhelmed by our situation, we tend to allow our emotions to take over. We somehow forget the important things because we focus on what we are facing. Our strengths are limited. We are not perfect. This is the reason why we need Jesus in our lives. We must put Him at the center so that we will always be reminded. We must learn to treat Him as our King and Lord. This is not just about worshipping Him, but it’s all about following His ways.
Choose to abide by His instructions. Do not depend on your own understanding. There may be days when you find it hard to comprehend His ways. But follow His word because Jesus knows what to do. He sees your future. He is aware of the things that you need to prepare. When your selfish desires try to reign, remind yourself that you are not the lord of your life. You need to allow your King to reign. It means that it’s time for you to surrender your own plans and let God’s hands guide you to the future that He has prepared. This is what it means to put Jesus at the center. It’s not easy, especially when you can’t feel His presence, but trust that God is moving even if you can’t see any changes yet.
Walk along the narrow road. Patiently go through the process, and everything will be worth it in the end. Jesus will give you the grace that you need. Don’t just worship and raise your hands when you need Him. Instead, choose to abide in His word. Listen to His voice, and He will lead you. Apply what you learned from Him and let His instruction transform you from the inside out. Remember that faith without action is dead. Proclaiming Jesus’ Name is nothing if, deep within your soul, you are not fully convinced that He is your God and Savior. You need to make an important decision. You need to commit and be intentional in connecting to His heart.
You will live a fulfilling life if you put Jesus at the center. Yes, it’s not easy. You will go through heartbreaking moments. The process will test your faith and character. But as long as you acknowledge His sovereignty and power in your life, then you will always be guided. The fear of God will lead you to wisdom. When you respect His will above your own desires, that’s the time when you will experience more of His love. When you put Him first, it means that you choose to die so that Jesus will live.

One Comment
Yes Thankyou for a blessings of teachings the learnings with our God our Lord Jesus christ..thankyou for the reminder of bejng in Gods presence🙏🙏🙏