
Receive the Grace that God prepared for you Today

You need God’s grace every single day. You may think that you survive in this world because of your own efforts and strength, but the truth is God made way for you. He is helping you by leading the right people in your life to help and support you. His grace surrounds you even when you can’t feel Him. He is providing you with everything that you need. So instead of relying on your own wisdom and understanding, choose to call upon God and depend on His grace. Humbly acknowledge the truth that you need Him in your life. Accept that the favors and the opportunities that you receive every single day come from Him. It’s all because of His great mercy and love. God is so gracious to you because He deeply cares for your soul.

Pray that God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will see the grace that He gave you. When you learn to appreciate the daily miracles that He gave you, then you will not live your life worrying about what lies ahead because His consistent blessings will give you the assurance that you need. When your thoughts are bombarded with negative lies, God’s faithfulness will remind you to hold on to His promises and believe in the future that He prepared. This is the reason why it’s very important to be sensitive to His ways. You need you to learn how to pause for a while and just thank God for the undeserving blessings that you receive.

Humbly ask for His guidance. You may have your own plans and dreams in life, but you need His grace to lead you to the right path. You need His wisdom to open your eyes to the consequences that you fail to consider. You need certain doors to open so that you can start to walk again. The good things that are happening around you are part of His grace and love. You badly need them, especially when you feel like you are on your own. You need to be constantly reminded about His goodness, and that’s where His grace flows. For you to experience more of Him, you need to be faithful in your prayers. Acknowledge your limitations and let Him fill the gap.

Receive His grace today. Open your heart and allow His peace to consume your worried soul. Pray that the Holy Spirit will teach you how to receive His grace and fully embrace His presence. Rely on His words and expect great things to happen. Let His grace lead you to His favors. Remind yourself that you can’t survive this life without His guidance. You need Him every single day. So wait until He showers you with the grace that you need. Be filled in His arms so that you can also share the blessings and grace that you receive with others.