Self Development

Rejections Will Lead You To Discover Great Things About Yourself

Do you want to discover more about yourself? Then try your best not to avoid rejections. Because only then will you know how strong and resilient you are, especially in moments when you face unwanted events in life. You will be able to evaluate and assess yourself. You will know if you are really growing or not. It’s a very wonderful opportunity for you to discover your potential as a person. Keep on trying, because the best things in life don’t only happen in an instant. It requires effort, dedication, and commitment. There will always be hindrances along the way. But the more you receive setbacks in life, the more you will gain strength. So do not be afraid because behind your failures are great blessings that only God can give.

Rejections will teach you how to face the painful realities of life. It will really hurt, especially when you receive it from the people you love. But then, at the end of the day, you will realize that it’s better to receive those painful truths than living in the kind of life that is not worth fighting for. Sometimes, the pain will push you to try even harder. It will motivate you to continue to do the right thing. You may feel disappointed at first, but you will learn to face it because God will give you enough courage. Just remember that what you are going through right now is not yet the end of the story. If you decide to continue no matter what it takes, then you will experience greater blessings along the way.

Your failures will teach you how to appreciate the things that you used to ignore. And it will teach you how to let go of the things that will break your heart in the end. It’s God’s way of telling you that He prepared something better for you. So hold on and surrender to God the negative emotions you have inside. God sees your true potential. And most of the time, He will use the negative situations in your life to bring out the best in you.

If you face your failures positively, you will eventually grow and mature. You will discover the talents and gifts that God provided for you all this time. You will learn how to utilize God’s blessings. And you will be able to bring glory to His name. So take every rejection as a wonderful opportunity for you to become a better person.


  • Misty Papineau

    I know that my setbacks are only stepping stones for a better, brighter future I have to stay in his word pray often get a closer relationship with God!! I’m not new to all of this I am just getting back into my faith!!!! AMEN he has already put me in the right path to gain my rewards in the near future.