Remember the Miracles that God did and your Faith will be Strengthened
During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.” His disciples answered, “But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?” - Mark 8: 1-4
This story happened after Jesus multiplied food for five thousand people. The disciples already experienced a very big miracle that our Savior performed, but at this moment, they totally forget what happened before. Jesus tested them by sharing His heart with regard to the needs of the people. Instead of saying, “ Lord, you already did this miracle before, you can multiply food and feed these people,” the disciples, in return, asked Jesus where to find food since they are in a remote place. They totally missed the point.
Sometimes, we go through the same scenario in life. Jesus already did so many miracles to make us realize that we are chosen and loved, but then, when we encounter struggles, we unknowingly forget those life-changing miracles as if nothing happened.
If you want to be strengthened, then always remember the good things that God did in your life. List down the simple miracles that you experienced. Never forget all the favors and opportunities that He poured out for you. Because those memories will remind you to firmly believe in His power. The works of God in the past will lead you to experience greater miracles in life. So remember His track record.
Keep in mind all the blessings you received from Him and when you are in doubt, recall those moments when God allowed you to encounter His love. Focus on His goodness and not on your circumstances. Fix your eyes on His miracles and not on your worries and cares. Let your faith be greater than the negative things that happened in your life.
Not everything in the past is meant to be forgotten. There are important memories that you need to keep in your heart. And those are the memorable adventures you had with God. Fill your thoughts with His goodness and love. Do not entertain the lies of the enemy. Listen to the Holy Spirit and hold on to His faithfulness.
Do not be overwhelmed by your situation. Remember that everything you experience in life will come to pass. Your circumstance will change, and your life will be better. Just keep in mind that Jesus loves you so much, and He will continue to perform miracles. Be grateful for what you received from Him and choose to praise His name even in the midst of problems.
Jesus is more powerful than anyone else. If you happen to experience devastating moments that really broke your heart, choose to grow closer to God and remind yourself that He is bigger than the pain inside. He can do all things. Do not be dismayed or be discouraged. If He was able to sustain you all throughout the years, then He will certainly fill your life with His grace. Everything will be okay. Things will be better. So stop worrying. Instead, remind yourself of the great miracles that God did.