His Word

Romans 8:14, NIV

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

Romans 8:14, NIV

You will know the children of God because they are the ones who are led by the Spirit. They rely not on their own understanding but they depend on God’s will. They don’t just follow the desires of their flesh. Instead, they abide by what the Spirit wants them to do. So try to ask yourself. Do you believe that you are one of God’s children? If the answer is yes, then allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide. Stop relying on your own strength and knowledge. Surrender in His presence and allow His grace to consume you from the inside out. Let Jesus be your savior and King. Only then will you be able to receive the Holy Spirit in your life.

I pray that you will never forget that you are a child of God. It means that you ought to abide in the Holy Spirit.