• His Word

    Romans 8:14, NIV

    For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Romans 8:14, NIV You will know the children of God because they are the ones who are led by the Spirit. They rely not on their own understanding but they depend on God’s will. They don’t just follow the desires of their flesh. Instead, they abide by what the Spirit wants them to do. So try to ask yourself. Do you believe that you are one of God’s children? If the answer is yes, then allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide. Stop relying on your own strength and knowledge. Surrender in His presence…

  • His Word

    Day 383 – Proverbs 18:13

    To answer before listening – that is folly and shame. Proverbs 18: 13, NIV Try to control your mouth first. Listen before you speak. Learn about the situation. Know the story behind a person’s behavior. Ask about the details, and don’t allow your emotions to control your actions. Yes, you want to express yourself and release what you truly feel inside, but remember that you can never find peace just by releasing painful words to others. Think before you answer. Allow God to give you the wisdom that you need. Listen not for the purpose of revenge, but do it so that you may find peace. Pray that God will…

  • His Word

    Day 186 – Psalms 138:3

    When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me. Psalms 138:3,NIV Claim this today! The Lord, your God, will answer you. He will send help, so do not rely on your own strength and understanding. Trust in His love. Call upon His Name, and He will always be there to give you the courage you need. Believe with all your heart that God hears your cries. He is listening to you. Keep depending on Him, and you will get through it. In Him, there is victory. In His presence, you will find hope and peace. When you can’t understand what’s going on, come to God, and He will give…

  • His Word

    Day 178 – Psalm 120:1

    I call on the Lord in my distress, and He answers me. Psalm 120:1, NIV When you can’t understand the things that are going on in your life, just call upon God, and He will answer you. There may be moments when you can’t hear His voice, but trust that He is moving in your life. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. Instead, fix your eyes on God and remember His goodness. Keep His promises in your heart and choose to increase your faith. Connect to Him and share all your worries and cares. He loves you so much. Know that He will be there to provide…

  • His Word

    Day 106 -Psalm 65:2

    You who answer prayer, to you all people will come. Psalm 65:2, NIV God answers prayers. He is not deaf. He hears the cries of your heart. So don’t stop talking to Him. Come in His presence and release what you feel. Connect to God, for He is listening to you. Don’t lose hope if you can’t hear the answers to your prayers according to your schedule. He knows what He is doing, and He determines the steps that you need to take. Just be patient and trust in His great plans for you. If He asked you to wait, then be excited because behind that season are blessings that…

  • His Word

    Day 82 – Psalm 38:15

    Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God. Psalm 38:15, NIV Wait for God’s answers, and do not be in a hurry. You may think that everything is too late, but with Him, the waiting season will soon make sense. So instead of worrying about your future or doubting God’s faithfulness to you, choose to trust in Him. Keep your faith because after He builds your character, you will receive the great blessings that you’ve been waiting for. There may be moments when you can’t understand His ways, but keep walking and continue to hold His hands. Know that in Him, you will always feel safe and…

  • Self Development

    You Are Created To Be an Answer, And Not A Problem

    You are not a problem. Remember that God will never create something that will destroy someone’s life. You may think that you are just a mistake. But God created you for a purpose. You are part of His solutions. So live this life according to your true identity, and please don’t treat yourself as useless. If you only knew the things that God prepared for you, then you will discover the wonderful future that you are meant to experience. He will use your life to honor His name and to bless someone else. Move forward and do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You are more than who…

  • Self Development

    There Are Times When You Don’t Have To Find The Answer

    We all have this season in our lives when we tend to ask deep questions based on the things that we’ve been going through. We have that strong urge to discover these mysteries for us to move on. But the truth is, there are specific questions in our lives that we can’t answer as of the moment. Instead of being stuck at the place where you are right now, try to take another step. You will learn the best response to your questions one day. You don’t have to stay there and search in the same place. Stop wasting your time finding the answer. There is so much more in…