
Seeds Need To Be Buried So That One Day, It Will Bear Fruit

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12: 24, NIV

Jesus reminded His disciples what it means to give up their lives for the sake of glorifying God. He used the imagery of a kernel being planted on the ground. It needs to die so that it may grow and produce more seeds. The same goes with our lives; there are times when we feel like we are buried on the ground, so dark, and it seems like there’s no hope left. It’s a hard season because you don’t have any clue what’s happening deep inside you. Things don’t make sense, and there are instances when it’s hard to move forward. But Jesus is reminding us not to give up and just go through the process.

The seed needs to die. Most of the time, it means sacrifice and pain. It means tears and sadness. Loneliness and disappointments. Somehow, it’s like going through a dark tunnel. It takes maturity for someone to survive the dying process. It’s difficult because you can’t see what God is doing. But the good thing is, God’s grace is there. He is behind the unexplainable peace that you feel. He is behind the source of your courage. God is the one who sustains you even in moments of drought, hunger, and thirst. 

The dying process won’t necessarily kill your soul. Your selfish desires will disappear, but your soul will thrive and grow. If you will abide in what the word of God tells you, then you will see the light in the end. Wait until you sprout on the ground because that’s when you’ll realize that all the pain you experienced was not useless. They happened for a purpose. Each challenge serves as a way for you to build your foundation. Your tears will never be wasted. Because the lessons that you learned will lead you to the future that God prepared. So keep going even if it’s hard. Take a rest, but don’t quit.

God will help you bear more fruits. Focus on His long-term plans and not on your short-term vision. Greater things will happen, and the blessings that He gave you will multiply. You will prosper not because of your own effort and strength but because of your faith in Him. It’s going to be a long yet fulfilling journey. A difficult yet exciting one. The moments you had with Him will soon become part of the priceless treasures your soul can keep even through eternity.

Header Image Credits: Lukas Johnns on Unsplash

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