Seek God’s Wisdom
Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.
Proverbs 28:26, NIV
Before I met God, I often made decisions on my own. I made plans for myself and failed to consider other people. I trusted my own timeline. There are even times when I feel disappointed whenever my goals or expectations aren’t met. I wanted everything to be in control, and it led me to a lot of frustrations.
After that, I realized that I had failed to acknowledge God throughout the process. I listened to my own voice instead of consulting Him. I chose to rely on my own understanding. I thought that what I learned and experienced was more than enough. But the truth is, I still need to discover so many things.
This is why I think God’s wisdom is important as we journey in this world. Many times, we will experience unexpected circumstances that will test our faith, and it’s His wisdom that will keep us safe.
At the end of the day, God knows what’s ahead. So, whenever I make important decisions, I learn to consult God and ask for His guidance.
That’s when I saw better perspectives. It felt like God opened my eyes to the things that I failed to consider. He allowed me to see the bigger picture. He patiently taught me how to deal with the things that were going on. By His grace, He led me to do what was right and pleasing in His eyes.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for reminding me to stop relying on my understanding. I pray you will give me a humble heart to seek your wisdom. Lead me to your arms, Lord, so I may always choose to follow your ways and abide by your grace. Please teach me how to acknowledge your will and continue to open my eyes so that I may see what I fail to consider. This I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.